
滴水穿石 1.0 Green donations



這帖寫了 10 年,終於要放上句點,紀錄的捐款總額=NT$ 292,048 (約 USD 9,735) 。
這十年過得很充實,當初搬來花蓮打算靠翻譯維生,還沒賺到半毛就決定把收入一部分捐公益,沒多久,一家美國翻譯社主動上門,從此沒斷糧過,老天爺應該很疼我吧!定期捐款是樂事,翻譯工作也因為與公益掛勾,越做越有意思,還做了各種好玩綠實驗:養狗(從巴掌大變大狗)、下田當農夫、接待來自世界各地的綠色旅人 Long Stay……,感恩每位貢獻過營業額的客戶朋友,有你們真好!
有人說這個時代是「未知的未知」,老天爺若是繼續疼我,就鐵定會有【滴水穿石 2.0、3.0……】,因為樂事越多越好。

NTD6,202 donated by the fruit stand

Unattended Fruit Stand for Charity May-Aug 2019五-八月無人攤位義賣

NTD1,395 donated for a guest from Canada
Donation by the farm - 2018 年 11 月捐贈芭蕉乾
NTD1,152 donated by the farm - 2018 年 7 月義賣芭蕉乾

The blog has not been updated for a long time, but the green actions did not stop. After buying the farmland, I moved to the countryside and rent out my studio in the city to green travelers. I also began to sell natural farming produce. Surprisingly, it is much easier to attract travelers worldwide than to sell bananas locally! I now fully understand the farmers' hardship.

Part of the rent was donated to a local orphanage in Guest's name, as a meaningful souvenir.  
NTD 920 donated to 0206 Hualien Earthquake Relief Fund
for Guests from Canada
Donation for Guests from Russia and Hong Kong
Donation for Guest from Germany
Donation for Guest from Singapore
Donation for Guest from Hong Kong
Donation for Guest from the USA
Donation for Guest from Singapore
Donation for Guest from the UK
Donation for Guest from Hong Kong
Donation for Guests from Hong Kong
Donation for Guest from Australia
Donation for Guest from Hong Kong
Donation for Guest from Austria
Donation for 1st Guest from Austria
Donation for Guest from California, USA
Donation by the farm

Thanks to our clients, a certain portion of their collective payment has been forwarded to NPOs such as Mountain Children’s Home on a regular basis, since 2009.
自 2009 年起,譯畝園 (精準翻譯) 定期將一定比例的翻譯稿費轉入公益,對象以六龜孤兒院兒為主,感謝客戶的支持與愛護!
2016 Q1 donation NTD 3,042
2015 Q4 donation NTD 5,055
2015 Q3 donation NTD 9,659
2015 Q2 donation NTD 6,101
2015 Q1 donation NTD 3,987
2014 Q4 donation NTD 6,868
2014 Q3 donation NTD 5,680
2014 Q3 donation NTD 7,500
2014 Q2 donation NTD 23,455
2014 Q1 donation NTD 5,000
2013 Q4 donation NTD 18,482
2013 Q3 donation NTD 10,000
Below were originally posted in the previous blog, but one day the images of all old receipts became blank. The originals are long gone. I still keep the text here just for the record. 
以下原本是 PO 在之前部落格的收據,自某天起就無法顯示,原始收據也早丟了,仍保留文字說明作為記錄。

2013 Q2 donation NTD 4,518
2012 Q4 donation NTD 18,150
2012 Q4 donation NTD 1,197
2012 Q2 donation NTD 12,130
2012 Q1 donation NTD 14,021
        2011 Q4 donation NTD 3,818
        2011 Q4 donation 18,000 Rupees to a NPO in India
        2011 Q2 donation NTD 5,596
        2011 Q1 donation NTD 3,266
        2011 Q3 donation NTD 20,000
        2010 Q4 donation NTD 11,585
        2010 Q3 donation NTD 5,000
        2010 Q2 donation NTD 4,110
        2010 Q2 donation NTD 2,868
        2010 Q1 donation NTD 1,254
        2010 Q1 donation NTD 1,138
        2010 Q1 donation NTD 7,336         
        2010 Q1 donation NTD 7,750
        2009 Q4 donation NTD 5,564
        2009 Q4 donation NTD 5,792
        2009 Q3 donation NTD 7,760
        2009 Q3 donation NTD 6,300

The donations before Sept 2009 were sent to TFCF or Mountain Children’s Home respectively.
2009 年 9 月 以前的捐款,已分別捐給花蓮家扶六龜孤兒院